3 Tips to Help You Integrate LinkedIn into your Customer Recruitment Efforts!

Connecting with potential clients through LinkedIn can be a powerful way to help build a relationship and stay connected to them.

LinkedIn has become the largest business social network and should be used in your sales efforts. Like any great tool, however, it should be used wisely. Spamming connections or sending out mass invitation requests will not help you in the long run.

Here are 3 tips to help you in your efforts to integrate LinkedIn into the sales process:

Tip 1 – Connect Early

The best time to send a LinkedIn request is right after your initial contact with a potential client.

Connecting early shows your interest in building a business relationship, not just landing a sale.  Sending a request before you make contact with a client will be viewed as spam and waiting too long after the initial contact my make you look desperate.

Tip 2 – Build Up Your Profile

Remember, you are not just connecting with them, but they are connecting with you. Have your profile built out as much as possible for your current position. Use your profile to explain how you, through your company’s product or service, help companies reach their goals and succeed.

Get recommendations and endorsements from current clients and colleagues. Help your potential client get a feel for what it will be like to work with you and your company.

Stay active with industry groups and discussions.

Tip 3 – Integrate LinkedIn with your PlanPlus Online Account

Don’t let all your hard work on LinkedIn go to waste. Integrate LinkedIn into your CRM account so you can see updates with your connections when it comes time to contact them again.

To see how to integrate LinkedIn with your PlanPlus Online account go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_WQ6C4LU2I

Integrating LinkedIn with your customer recruitment efforts will help you land more clients. Use it wisely.
