4 02, 2021

Your decisions shape your destiny


Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. A decision is the timely choice or selection of a future course of action.  Some decisions are so simple that you're barely aware you're making them, while others are time consuming, high risk, and can leave you feeling anxious. Decisions can make or [...]

Your decisions shape your destiny2021-11-03T09:49:24+00:00
16 04, 2019

Yes or no?


As human beings we tend to complicate most things, but life is really pretty simple. Take a moment to think about the answers to the following questions: We have tens of thousands of words in the English language. How many letters make up the alphabet? The ‘Human Genome’ is the genetic code—the entire list of [...]

Yes or no?2020-01-15T08:48:43+00:00