28 02, 2018

Go looking for bad news


As a leader, one of the skills you need to develop is to “go looking for bad news.” Part of your job is to find, and then face up to, the problems and aggravations that routinely occur in any business. If you’re not aware of any problems, that’s a problem in and of itself. You [...]

Go looking for bad news2019-01-10T18:56:31+00:00
27 02, 2018

Which road will you take?


In his classic poem “The Road Not Taken,” Robert Frost talks about how the road he was walking on while in the woods separated into two roads leading in different directions. He had to decide which of the two he would take. By taking the one less traveled, his life was changed. Frost’s point was [...]

Which road will you take?2019-01-10T18:56:31+00:00
8 02, 2018

Leadership Skills: Good Skills will lead to Good Results


If there is one indisputable test of a leader, it’s the results she or he produces. Getting results is one example of good leadership skills. As Henry Ford once said: You cannot build a reputation on what you’re going to do. Intent without action is just daydreaming. People who are leaders get results. I’ve always [...]

Leadership Skills: Good Skills will lead to Good Results2019-04-15T19:10:48+00:00
7 02, 2018

What is Leadership? Can you be a leader without a title?


How many of you feel you’re not a leader because you don’t have a “leader’s title”? When we think of what a “leader’s title” is, we often confuse it with a “boss’s title” such as manager, director, president, or CEO. But there’s a difference between being a boss and being a leader—to start off, you don’t need [...]

What is Leadership? Can you be a leader without a title?2019-04-15T18:42:52+00:00
25 11, 2013

9 Secrets of Successful Business Leaders


A good leader is made, not born. There are many things you can do to become a better business leader. While there are people who are more extroverted or outgoing, these personalities alone will never determine whether they’ll succeed as business leaders. In fact, people with wide array of personalities have become successful business leaders [...]

9 Secrets of Successful Business Leaders2019-01-10T18:57:18+00:00