3 04, 2019

The first quarter of the year is over, now what?


It’s past April Fool’s day—which means that you’ve made it through the first quarter of the year. It’s a great time to stake stock of goals and plans to see what kind of progress you’ve made so far, and to tweak and adjust as necessary. Life is an adventure, and like any great story, it [...]

The first quarter of the year is over, now what?2019-04-03T08:49:53+00:00
7 02, 2019

How to do a monthly personal performance review


Success and fulfillment in life is found by intentionally creating the life you want to have, and conducting a personal and private monthly review is part of that process. Right now, and at the end of each month, take an hour to review the past month and make goals and course corrections for the new [...]

How to do a monthly personal performance review2019-02-07T09:44:50+00:00