15 01, 2014

5 Things to Consider When Prioritizing Your To-Do List


Prioritizing and organizing your tasks is crucial to your to-do list.  It's important that you only have one list, whether the tasks are personal or for work. These projects and tasks are all things that you need to complete and you should be able to prioritize them all in one place, if you take [...]

5 Things to Consider When Prioritizing Your To-Do List2019-11-21T09:16:45+00:00
2 07, 2013

Ben Franklin’s 13 Virtues and Self-Improvement


Many people consider Ben Franklin as not only one of the Founding Fathers of the United States but as one of the founding thought leaders on personal development. Ben Franklin's virtues in his own personal quest for moral perfection are shown below: Temperance: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation Silence: Speak not [...]

Ben Franklin’s 13 Virtues and Self-Improvement2019-02-28T16:33:26+00:00
2 07, 2013

The Importance of Prioritizing


How do you organize? Do you write lists? Many people do. Lists are very helpful ways for capturing your information and all the ideas and things that you need to do. After you write the list, what do you do next? The next step in getting organized is prioritizing your list. What is the [...]

The Importance of Prioritizing2019-03-07T19:45:27+00:00
28 06, 2012

Productivity, Effectiveness, Efficiency… What is the Difference?


Productivity, Effectiveness, Efficiency Ever wonder what it means to be productive, or how you measure it? Confused about the difference between productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency ? Wondering what you can do to feel like you’ve accomplished all three at the end of the day? We’ve got a breakdown for you of what they mean, [...]

Productivity, Effectiveness, Efficiency… What is the Difference?2019-01-10T18:57:23+00:00
8 04, 2011

Productivity, Efficiency, Effectiveness: What’s the difference?


The terms productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness are often used as synonyms in casual conversation and by many managers. However, there's a big difference in the results that are achieved by maximizing each of these measurements. Productivity Productivity is technically regarded as a measure of Outputs divided by Inputs. All of the activities that you get [...]

Productivity, Efficiency, Effectiveness: What’s the difference?2019-04-05T14:28:15+00:00