27 04, 2020

Time to start time boxing—and don’t stop until you’re a time champ!


Time boxing is a lot like shadowboxing. You know—shadowboxing: from TV and movies where a fighter is sparring with an imaginary opponent as a form of training. (Usually accompanied with upbeat triumphant-like music.) Time boxing is where you’re sparring with the clock—trying to complete a task against a drop-dead deadline—and you better win. I hated [...]

Time to start time boxing—and don’t stop until you’re a time champ!2020-04-27T12:53:59+00:00
21 04, 2020

Don’t drown in the seductive pull of self-pity


The current situation we’re in has genuine heroes and genuine victims—and millions of us are somewhere in between. The truth is, everyone is stressed. This stress creates its own whirlpool which drags the passive down to the depths. In fact, stress ratchets up fastest if you surrender and decide you’re helpless. Just convince yourself there’s [...]

Don’t drown in the seductive pull of self-pity2020-04-21T09:59:07+00:00
17 03, 2020

How to have hope and courage during a pandemic of fear


You are not a product of your circumstances. You are a product of your decisions. Just like most of you, we’re all experiencing some emotional and mental whiplash from the last few weeks. The Coronavirus is gripping the world's attention and rapidly changing the way all of us live and do business. It’s no longer [...]

How to have hope and courage during a pandemic of fear2020-03-17T10:24:08+00:00
14 11, 2019

Even on your most busy day you’re only doing these 4 types of things


Go ahead… think of your busiest day. Look at you go! Crazy busy, aren’t you? Think of all the things you were doing. Wow! So many, right? Yet, believe it or not, you were only doing four types of things! Seriously. Four. All day long even on your busiest day you are only doing [...]

Even on your most busy day you’re only doing these 4 types of things2019-11-14T16:30:48+00:00
4 10, 2019

What you plant today you will harvest later


In modern times, most of us don’t live on or even near a farm. As a result, we’ve lost awareness of a universal law that governs many of life’s consequences and outcomes. This law is often called the Law of the Harvest. We’ll come back to the Law of the Harvest in just a moment.There [...]

What you plant today you will harvest later2020-05-06T06:57:12+00:00
2 10, 2019

Getting stuck isn’t the problem—staying stuck is


Do you want to do great things? Are you struggling to complete your most important projects? Do you feel stuck in the gap between what you aspire to achieve and what you actually execute? Nothing is as painful as staying stuck. There’s a difference between being stuck and choosing to stay. Stop thinking that [...]

Getting stuck isn’t the problem—staying stuck is2022-05-02T13:27:19+00:00
11 09, 2019

Are you paying attention to what you’re paying attention to?


Are you really going where you want? Imagine downloading a new GPS app. The first time you use it, it works as expected. Great! However, on the second journey, it takes you to an address a few blocks away from where you wanted to go. On your third trip, you find yourself miles from your [...]

Are you paying attention to what you’re paying attention to?2019-09-11T10:09:09+00:00
10 06, 2019

What will you do with your free two weeks?


Your PlanPlus Online account includes two free weeks! 14 days… 336 hours… that’s how much time you have with your free two-weeks’ trial of PlanPlus Online. Here are some suggestions as to how you can use your time: Subdue and conquer your task list! Record all of your tasks—no more sticky notes or trying [...]

What will you do with your free two weeks?2019-06-10T09:37:53+00:00
6 05, 2019

This is what’s been missing…


The gap between setting a goal and achieving a goal has now been closed with a recent update on the Planning tab of your PlanPlus Online account! We’ve all set goals or made resolutions only to see, over time, that we eventually lose traction on achieving the goal. It’s disappointing, isn’t it? We lose confidence [...]

This is what’s been missing…2019-05-06T15:21:30+00:00
26 03, 2019

How to do you do what you don’t want to do


Look, we’re on your side with this one: life is filled with so many things that you just flat out don’t want to do. Maybe it’s because they’re unpleasant, maybe you’re just mentally exhausted and stressed, or maybe it’s just that your bed is feeling super comfortable right now!Unfortunately, to get anything done in life, [...]

How to do you do what you don’t want to do2021-11-13T10:56:11+00:00
25 02, 2019

Habits are the bridge between goals and accomplishments


You’re always being told that the best way to achieve what you what in life—lose weight and get into shape, learn a new skill, spending more time with family—is to set specific, actionable goals. It’s true: goals are essential, but there’s another force you need to become aware of: the power of habits. It’s important [...]

Habits are the bridge between goals and accomplishments2019-02-25T13:38:04+00:00
31 01, 2019

What is the Highest and Best Use of Your Time?


Right NOW is the Most Important Moment of Your Life. Just down the street is an empty vacant lot. It’s been there for a while. It’s close to downtown, so I imagine there’s a ton of potential uses for the property. So, how much is the property worth? When it [...]

What is the Highest and Best Use of Your Time?2022-03-16T22:30:24+00:00